Packaging Waste Compliance Scheme
The recommended route to registration and a Certificate of Compliance is to become a member of a packaging waste compliance scheme such as Scotpak.
We will register on your behalf and take on your obligations under the current GB Regulations. Our team is highly experienced and well-informed. The Scotpak scheme and adjacent consultancy services are designed to reduce your administrative burden and minimise packaging waste obligations.
Our dual aims are compliance and value; compliance means staying within the law, value is measured in efficiency, fair fees and minimising obligations.
Most importantly, as a Scotpak member you can be assured that your compliance obligations are understood and managed correctly.
Scotpak will:
Assume legal responsibility for your compliance
Interpret legislation as relevant to your business
Collate your data and calculate your obligation
Register your business with the SEPA
Purchase evidence of packaging recovery (PRNs)
Provide you with a Certificate of Compliance
Provide a range of environmental support services
“Vegware have been a Scotpak member for a number of years, throughout this time the service Scotpak have provided has been exemplary. Since our first dealing with Scotpak our turnover & operations as a whole have more than doubled. Scotpak’s advise & support throughout this growth in relation to our packaging waste compliance has been invaluable. We submit a simple and comprehensive set of data to Scotpak & they do the rest of the work, calculating our obligation & purchasing Packaging Recovery Notes on our behalf. What can look like a complicated process from the outside is made very simple.”
Tailored Packaging Compliance Services
Register with an approved scheme such as Scotpak to ensure compliance & minimise your administrative burden
Packaging Waste Compliance Scheme
- Packaging waste producers that meet governmental thresholds must
- Register with an Environment Agency
- Calculate the packaging handled
- by material
- by relevant activity
- Fulfil their obligations by demonstrating evidence that they have off-set their activity through the purchase of Packaging Recovery Notes.
- Producers can register with the appropriate environment agency directly, or join a government approved compliance scheme such as Scotpak.
- Scotpak handles all the complexities of registration, data submission and compliance. We tailor packages of services directly to the needs of a business, budget and sector.
Flexible data management & work flow strategies for your business
Data Management Services
- Data management is a core element of our support services. Scotpak will collate your data and take over the legal responsibility for registration and submission. We have well-tested systems for the most efficient methods of collecting and organising data.
- We can also develop strategies unique to your organisation and work flow. Your confidential information is subject to non-disclosure agreements and all data is securely stored on the Leaf Group servers.
- Scotpak is equipped to take over as little or as much of your packaging responsibilities administrative burden as you wish. A complete outsource strategy will often be the most time and cost efficient way to fulfil your obligations.
Knowledgable & experienced packaging waste consultancy services since 2000
Professional Guidance
- We can help you evaluate your position and make the best decisions for your business. Direct registration and self-compliance may suit your needs better than joining a scheme, but you need to be informed in order to make that decision and stay within the law.
- The Scotpak team along with Leaf Group support offers independent and specialist producer responsibility advice from experienced compliance experts.
We understand and interpret current legislation where it is relevant to your business to help you stay within the law, minimise costs & evaluate your options from an environmental perspective
Understanding your Obligations
- Understanding, calculating and fulfilling your obligations is the legal responsibility of your business. If your business meets or breaches the UK thresholds for compliance it is critical that you understand what obligations are triggered and how to fulfil them.
- We provide the best unbiased advice on the commercial route to compliance for your business and sector - our job is simply to make sure that you do it correctly and for the best value. Significantly, we have never failed any audit.
- Our job is to interpret the legislation where it is relevant to your business and work with you to minimise your obligations. We can do this by conducting waste and environmental audits on your operations and/or assessing the data you provide against current legislation. We will help you make the best decisions for your business. It's not just about numbers however, it can be about systems and work flow - we help businesses understand their options from an environmental perspective and can often help introduce new ideas into their supply chain strategies.
Reduce risk; we assume your legal responsibility to interpret & meet compliance obligations
Legal Liability & Ensuring Compliance
- As a packaging waste producer the burden is placed on you to minimise your environmental impact. We take on that legal responsibility based on the data you supply to us.
- We undertake to ensure compliance and make sure that your business stays within the law. Critically, this means that your business cannot be prosecuted for failing to comply with legislation. Non-compliance can attract civil penalties or criminal prosecution, becoming a member of the Scotpak scheme negates that risk.
We have well-established relationships with PRN brokers & accredited material re-processors and exporters
Packaging Recovery Notes (PRNs)
- PRNs are evidence that a unit of packaging waste has been recycled - for example glass in a bottle processing plant. PRNs are issued by accredited re-processors or exporters and traded on an open market model.
- Packaging waste producers are obligated to purchase PRNs as a means to off-set the packaging that they have introduced into the UK waste stream.
- PRNs act as an incentive to re-processors to recycle and encourage businesses to look carefully at the amount of packaging waste they generate. PRNs are material-specific and purchased in correlation to the material handled by the packaging waste producer.
- The price of PRNs fluctuate and it is part of our job as a compliance scheme to monitor the market and purchase prudently to fulfil our members' PRN obligations.
If you sell packaging you are obliged to give your customers reuse, recovery & recycling information
Consumer Information Obligations
- The sale of packaging as a main activity of your business attracts further obligations under UK packaging waste regulations. At Scotpak we can help you with these requirements, including;
- Return, collection and recovery systems
- The role of your customer
- Recovery and recycling symbols
- Waste strategy guidance
- Evidence required
Scotpak members are licensed to display the Green Dot
Green Dot
- The Green Dot symbol on packaging indicates that the producer has contributed to the cost of recovery and recycling of the particular material through a license fee payable in each country where the product is distributed. It does not indicate that the product is recycled or that it can be recycled, but it does tell the consumer that the manufacturer has paid to be part of a Europe-wide network of recovery and recycling systems.
- In the UK, the Green Dot is a trademark.
EPR is a strategy intended to reduce the total environmental impact of a product throughout it's life cycle
Extended Producer Responsibility
- Scotpak maintains a presence at policy level and this ensures that the advice we give is current and informed. We undertake industry-commissioned research projects and have a particular interest in sustainability and the EU-wide Circular Economy package along with the implications for Extended Producer Responsibility.
- In simple terms EPR aims to decrease the sum impact of a product throughout it's life cycle from manufacture to recovery. It achieves this by making the manufacturer responsible right through to recovery, recycling and end disposal. Progressive organisations are embracing EPR and we are working with some of our larger producers on the introduction of innovative sustainability strategies.
Circular Economy
- The concept of a circular economy has at it's foundation the idea of a no-waste system. It has evolved as resource-based economies slowly come to realise that the resources of this model (such as fossil fuels) are catastrophically finite.
- More than than just an ideology, in the environmental strive to achieve circular economy ambitions, real opportunities and viable ideas are presenting themselves to UK and Irish businesses. At Scotpak we are deeply committed to the push towards sustainability. We work with members to foster an understanding of the potential impacts of a circular economy approach to their activities.
Training Services
- Training sessions can be organised for any aspect of packaging waste work-flow, either at one of our offices or on-site.